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hzhao 11-04-2015 02:09 AM

how to record data at fixed rate with viz.starttimer

I use viz.starttimer(0,1/30,viz.FOREVER) to run my object animation and record the motion data in function myAnimation. But the data is not recorded at 30Hz. instead it is recorded at about 40Hz and fluctuates.



I use Oculus DK2. If my virtual scene is complex and the computing burden is high, the data recording rate drops. So I set it at 1/30, and want to have a fixed recording rate. But it doesn't work.


mape2k 11-04-2015 06:55 AM

The script updates every frame: if the framerate drops below 30fps, the recording rate will also suffer.

You can decouple this by using the viz.director to start the data recording in a whole new thread, but it will be time asynchronous from the main thread so be careful.


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