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mdebrecht 03-24-2003 08:30 PM

I like the new interface to VRUT. Good Job! I just have a few quick questions:

It seems that when I try to clip a seperate viewpoint, the whole screen goes black. Similar code works for vrut, but doesn't seem to work with viz. Do you know what may be going wrong?

import viz


window = viz.addwindow()
window.setposition(0, 380)
window.setsize(100, 100)

view = viz.addviewpoint()


Also, I noticed that Tkinter isn't included in viz's built-in python library. Do you know of a good way to import Tkinter?


farshizzo 03-25-2003 01:13 PM

Hi Matthew,

Instead of setting the clip at (0,40) try something like (0.01,40).
We'll try to fix this, but for now this should work.

As for Tkinter, it doesn't come with Vizard, but you should be able to download and install it separately. I'll try this out and get back to you on it.

-- farshid

mdebrecht 03-27-2003 01:30 PM

thanks for your reply. I already have Tkinter installed with Python; is there anyway to tell Vizard which directories to search when importing a module?

farshizzo 03-27-2003 01:54 PM

Hi Matthew,

You have two options:

1) Place all the Tkinter files in the Vizard/bin/lib directory

2) At the beginning of your script before you import tkinter issue the following command:

import sys

Hope that works!

-- farshid

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