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teklab 09-20-2013 11:35 AM

Oculus Rift Fullscreen
Hi all. We have just started using our Oculus Rift with Vizard code, and I'm trying to understand a full screen rendering issue.

If i run a basic environment script with the Oculus:

import oculus
import viz
import vizact

hmd = oculus.Rift()
sensor = hmd.getSensor(), viz.MainView)


floor = viz.add('ground.osgb')


and maximize the view window manually (Windows Key + ↑), the frame rate and overall experience during head rotation is very smooth. However, if I use the same script, and instead start the rendering environment with viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN), the world becomes a great deal more choppy.

Moving to full screen manually isn't a major issue, but is there a way to smooth out the viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) option? Maybe my code isn't organized properly, or I'm missing an option.

We are running an i7-2600 with a gtx 580, so I can't imagine it's a hardware limitation for rendering such a simple environment.

Jeff 09-23-2013 11:00 AM

If you don't connect to the sensor do you still get choppy results with rotations?

import viz
import oculus
import vizcam

hmd = oculus.Rift()
piazza = viz.add('piazza.osgb')

What is the framerate when you have this rendering issue (press F4 with script running)? Do you have the latest drivers for your graphics card?

teklab 09-23-2013 11:36 AM


I re-ran everything today, and the issue seems to have spontaneously resolved. Locked at 60FPS (with vsync enabled) regardless of how I start it now.

Thanks for the reply.

disbeat 05-19-2014 08:15 AM

Hi everybody,

I have the same issue...

Do you have any idea on how it was solved?

I go from 60fps to ~20 to 30 fps when on fullscreen...


disbeat 05-19-2014 08:31 AM

sorry, it's not quite the same error...

I have a decrease of FPS and user experience when I fullscreen the scene, disregarding of how the fullscreen is triggered...

Do you think it is a hardware issue? I have a nVidea Quadro FX 580 and I'm rendering the piazza with an HD avatar.

Erikvdb 05-20-2014 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by disbeat (Post 16109)
sorry, it's not quite the same error...

I have a decrease of FPS and user experience when I fullscreen the scene, disregarding of how the fullscreen is triggered...

Do you think it is a hardware issue? I have a nVidea Quadro FX 580 and I'm rendering the piazza with an HD avatar.

What are your update/cull/draw/GPU times? You can check by pressing F4 twice. If your GPU takes more than 16ms to render a frame, framerate will decrease. If that's the case then I'd suspect your graphics card is indeed not fast enough.

disbeat 05-21-2014 06:11 AM


I think it is indeed an hardware issue.

When I run it on the production computer, I achieve 60FPS. Only in the development computer I got the 30~40FPS.

Thanks all,

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