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Frank Verberne 05-24-2012 02:32 AM

making a Complete Character Set character speak
Hi all,

I'm trying to get one of the avatars from the Complete Character Set to speak, using vizact.speak(). However, the error message that the character does not have a jaw bone appears, and nothing happens. Furthermore, I found an old post by Farshizzo ( stating that the complete characters don't have a jaw bone and therefore cannot speak.

But, on the website, in the video facial animation, a character from the complete character set is shown, that can move it's jaw bone! Furthermore, the vcc_male and vcc_female characters can also speak, and they seem to have the exact same bonestructure as the complete characters. I've tried using the skeleton and talk morph to make a complete character talk. However, that did not work. Any suggestions for solving this problem?

On a side note: it's rather strange that in a demo movie, a 'talking' complete character is shown, while they cannot make use of the vizact.speak() function. I know about the bio head that can speak as well, but I would like to use one of the avatars from the complete character set for this.

Kind regards,

Frank Verberne 05-25-2012 01:22 AM

Solution to my problem
I've found a solution to my problem and I thought it would be nice to share it with you. The example that I give here is based on the avatar 'casual20_m_highpoly' from the complete character set. The steps are the same for all the other male avatars of the complete character set.

The solution in second steps:
- First, you need to follow the steps of the document 'Use Characters in Vizard.pdf' which is on DVD 1 of the complete character set. After those steps, you should have a folder (in this example the folder is: casual20_highpoly) with all the files for your avatar.
- Second, open 'casual20_m_highpoly.cfg' and add the line speak_morph=casual20_m_highpoly_talk.CMF at the end of the .cfg file.

Now, with this code, you can make your complete character move it's mouth in sync with a .wav file:

avatar = viz.add('casual20_highpoly/casual20_m_highpoly.cfg', pos = [0,.15,.5], euler = [180,0,0])
speech = vizact.speak('YOUR .WAV FILE HERE',1, sync = True)
avatar.addAction(speech, pool = 1)

I have not tested this solution for all the complete characters, but I assume it should work for all of them similarly.

Jeff 05-25-2012 06:26 AM

Sorry for not replying earlier. This is only necessary for Complete Characters that were purchased several years ago. Now the cfg files of the characters should include that line.

Frank Verberne 05-25-2012 06:42 AM

That's strange, because we've purchased the Complete Character set in 2011. Could we somehow get the correct .cfg files for the Complete Characters? I assume that you would need some kind of proof of the date we've purchased, but that can be arranged, probably.

mspusch 05-25-2012 08:47 PM

Hi Frank,

Please email about this -- there should be no problem to correct this.

All best,


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