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cantwelljm 03-02-2006 02:30 PM

(Beginner) Object instances
I have imported a model into vizard from 3DS Max 8 in 3DS format. In 3DS Max I created windows for the building, each of these windows I made an instance of each other so I could edit them collectively. When I import the building into Vizard the windows disappear! Can anybody help me with this problem??

farshizzo 03-02-2006 02:35 PM


Have you tried the OSG exporter for 3DS Max? It will export the model directly into Vizards native format. You can download it at the following page:

I would suggest trying this out.

cantwelljm 03-03-2006 03:26 AM

re: OSG exporter
Yes I have tried the OSG exporter but when I run the model the system crashes! It happens when vizard is trying to rescale the textures after it has loaded. This does not happen when I export the model in 3DS format even though the textures are also rescaled. Is there anyway of preventing vizard from scaling the textures?? Also does vizard not support objects that are instances of other objects??

farshizzo 03-03-2006 08:53 AM


Vizard does support object instances. What are the dimensions of the texture that it is trying to resize? Have you tried manually resizing them to a power of two?

cantwelljm 03-03-2006 02:10 PM

more questions??
thanks I manually resized the textures and it helped run the file quicker. I have now lanscaped the scene by importing trees into my 3ds max scene. I have cloned alot of the trees and used them again in the scene, the trees were cloned as instances but again like the windows only the original trees are showing up in vizard and not the cloned trees. I have exported the file in 3DS format because if I export the file using OSG exporter the computer crashes when I run the it in vizard. Why are these trees not appearing in vizard??

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