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natalia 04-08-2011 08:30 AM

Mirror question
Hello :)
I am curious how I can apply addMirror function, or better, how should I modify the script that I have found in WorldViz Knowledge Base called "Adding a Mirror", if I need to create other "mirrors" opposite the first one, and also two mirror glasses perpendicular to it. Actually, I have to make windows of metro carriage transparent and reflecting. I can't understand which parameters I have to change, what influences on the distance of clip plane and other distances, and how to manage it:confused:.
I would be thankful for any advice!

Jeff 04-12-2011 03:22 PM

The mirror article was just updated to include some mirror examples that work with Vizard 4.

The mirror code does not support the reflection of one mirror inside of another.

You can add more than one mirror. Depending on your system and the complexity of your environment you can test to see what works for you. With each additional mirror there is more calculation necessary to render the scene. At some point the framerate will start to drop.

There is some example code towards the end of that article that describe how to change the alpha of a mirror object and change it's orientation.

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