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bhs125 09-10-2004 01:18 PM

new vizard user having trouble
I was trying to run some vizard programs and came across this import error:
File "", line 2, in ?
File "", line 5, in ?
from scenery import scenery
File ".\", line 2, in ?
from include.object3d import object3d
ImportError: No module named include.object3d

I havent programmed the files and I am relatively new at this.
Could somebody comment or recommend some "help" options.


farshizzo 09-10-2004 02:01 PM


The file is trying to import the module object3d from the package include.

This means there must be a directoy in the python path called include. Inside this directoy their should be a file called and Most likely one or more of these files are missing. Make sure the include directory is in the same directory as

Let me know if you need anymore help.

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