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jde 02-13-2012 01:28 PM

Error: Could not find plugin to read objects from file

I'm trying to load a .3ds file with associated textures in .tga format. It loads plenty of the .tgas just fine except one, and it gives me the following error message when it tries to load one of them:

Could not find plugin to read objects from file "Models/experimenter/gravel.tga"

I saw a post about this issue back in 2006 (; I followed the instructions but the "Vizard 2.5x bin folder" is not listed.

Any ideas?


farshizzo 02-13-2012 01:30 PM

Can you post the tga file?

jde 02-13-2012 01:35 PM

it won't let me upload a .tga and i don't have a utility for .zip, so here's a dropbox link. thanks!

farshizzo 02-15-2012 01:49 PM

I had a look at the file and it seems to have an invalid data type. The Vizard tga reader only supports RGB-based images. I was able to fix the file by simply opening it in the free image editor Paint.NET and resaving it.

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