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Deltcho 08-04-2010 09:35 PM

3D sound from talking avatars?

I was wondering if there was a simple way to do 3D sound with talking avatars using the vizact.speak command. Currently, when an avatar is speaking using this command the sound is not directional.

If there was a way to mute the speech sound while the lips were still moving, I could just use the .playsound() to project it from the avatar. Any way to alter the wav volume from the vizact.speak command?

Deltcho 08-04-2010 09:58 PM

Figured it out.

If anyone else needs to make the sound from the talking avatars project from them, just open up from the vizard\python folder and change the following line:

if sync: = viz.addAudio(self.filename)


if sync: = object.playsound(self.filename)

can also add to adjust volume.

Adjusting the resync time (default = 5 seconds) to 1 second also helps lips stay synchronized much better (that part is a couple of lines down).

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