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Alex Miranda 10-15-2014 10:27 AM

Criteria to CAVE dimensions
Hi, everyone!
I've read regarding CAVE and there is an issue that I didn't understand in this script vizcave single machine.
The constants of the CAVE dimensions are based on what?

W = 3.048 # 10 feet wide
H = 2.286 # 7.5 feet tall
D = 3.048 # 10 feet deep
W2 = W/2.0
C0 = -W2,H,0 # Front Wall: C1,C2,C5,C6
C1 = -W2,H,D # Left Wall: C0,C1,C4,C5
C2 = W2,H,D # Right Wall: C2,C3,C6,C7
C3 = W2,H,0
C4 = -W2,0,0
C5 = -W2,0,D
C6 = W2,0,D
C7 = W2,0,0

What are the criteria to define which is the front screen or is the side screen?

FrontWall = vizcave.Wall(upperLeft=C1, upperRight=C2, lowerLeft=C5, lowerRight=C6, name='Front Wall' )

Thanks for help.

farshizzo 10-15-2014 10:29 AM

It's just a name, you can call it whatever you like.

Alex Miranda 10-15-2014 10:39 AM

I know, but if I change any number everything will change! I would like to know which criteria are used to choose this constants.
For example: Why width is 3.048 and width_2 is ( Width / 2 ) and depth is equal the width?

farshizzo 10-15-2014 10:51 AM

Those are made up values for the example. In an actual setup you will need to define the dimensions of each projected area (wall) in your trackers coordinate system. Once your tracking system is setup and calibrated, you will need to determine the 3D coordinates of each corner of the wall relative to the origin of the tracking system.

A wall is essentially a window into the virtual world. In order to render correctly, the system needs to know where the users head is in relation to the physical wall. This means the tracker you use to track the users head position needs to be the in the same coordinate system as the wall dimensions.

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