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DJV 03-08-2017 04:14 AM

Changing the monitor / TV view from Stereoscopic?
Is there any way to make the monitor view one eye? or make it mono like a conventional screen? The request was made by some viewing this to have it a conventional view when we are using a HMD, we want to be able to see the monitor, or TV as a mono view.

Any help is appreciated.


Jeff 03-10-2017 02:50 AM

Which HMD are you using?

DJV 03-10-2017 03:58 AM

We have HTC Vive and want to display that normally. We have a monitor we want to display in mono


Jeff 03-13-2017 03:13 AM

Add the following lines of code in either the postInit section of your vizconnect file or in your application script:


hmd = steamvr.getExtension().getHMDList()[0]

DJV 03-15-2017 07:46 AM

Jeff - I ran the code you suggested in the application and get this error :


AttributeError: 'SteamVRHMD' object has no attribute 'setMonoMirror'

Jeff 03-16-2017 01:07 AM

Make sure you have the latest version of Vizard 5 by going to Help > Check for Updates. Then try adding the following code in the postInit section of the vizconnect file:


import steamvr
hmd = steamvr.getExtension().getHMDList()[0]

Do you still get an error? If so, please attach your vizconnect file here.

DJV 03-16-2017 04:28 AM

I cannot find any file named only vizconnect. I apologize as im completely new to this.

Looked for any extension but to no avail. I tried the vizconnect_config file as well as the vizconnect_config_steamvr files but to no avail.

Thanks again for the help Jeff.

Jeff 03-16-2017 11:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The vizconnect introduction and tutorials are a good place to start for learning vizconnect.

Try running the attached vizconnect file. This was created with the vive preset option in vizconnect and then modified by adding the mono mirror code to the postInit section.

DJV 03-17-2017 06:30 AM

Thanks - I'm reading them now. I appreciate all the help. I've been slowly gaining ground in this through no small part to your efforts - Thanks again!

I've inserted your vizconnect file, and added into my code :


I get this error :


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 11, in
File "C:\Users\330-FGVR1\Desktop\VR\CT\_SCAN", line 11, in
File "C:\Program Files\WorldViz\Vizard5\python\vizconnect\__init__. py", line 2178, in go
File "C:\Program Files\WorldViz\Vizard5\python\vizconnect\__init__. py", line 500, in add
File "C:\Program Files\WorldViz\Vizard5\python\vizconnect\__init__. py", line 207, in add
File "C:\Program Files\WorldViz\Vizard5\python\vizconnect\__init__. py", line 336, in _postInit
self._returns['postInit'] = self._module.postInit()
File "C:/Users/330-FGVR1/Desktop/VR/CT/", line 592, in postInit
AttributeError: 'SteamVRHMD' object has no attribute 'setMonoMirror'

Jeff 03-17-2017 07:16 AM

What version of Vizard 5 are you running, is it 5.7? You can check by going to Help > About Vizard.

DJV 03-17-2017 10:52 AM

5.7 correct

Jeff 03-19-2017 09:14 PM

Try running the following code on it's own. Does this work?


import viz

import steamvr
hmd = steamvr.HMD()
hmd.setMonoMirror(True), viz.MainView)


DJV 03-20-2017 07:39 AM

Yes that code works.

I imported that into my current file and the window appears mono.
I however am stuck in the loaded position and when I attempt to navigate the hands move away from me and the HMD display is stuck in the position the file opens.

Thanks for your ongoing support. It's clear I have alot to learn and your help has been invaluable.

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