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ARegas 01-13-2011 04:45 PM

NuVision glasses & nvidia GeForce 8800 GT
I am trying to use NuVision shutter glasses (60GX) with nvidia GeForce 8800GT gpu. Does anyone know if they are compatible? According to nvidia, the ONLY glasses I can use are nvidia glasses. Is this just a matter of getting a driver from NuVision?

Jeff 01-13-2011 06:15 PM

No, those are not compatible. You'll need an nvidia Quadro card to view in stereo with the NuVision shutter glasses.

johnnyiowa 01-14-2011 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by Jeff (Post 11601)
No, those are not compatible. You'll need an nvidia Quadro card to view in stereo with the NuVision shutter glasses.


Some of the Quadro that support the glasses seems to only have HDMI output. Which series should we got if I connected to connect two display, one is the main monitor for the computer and the other one connect to a 3DReady HDTV?

ARegas 01-14-2011 06:19 AM

Thank you. I am trying to understand: the 8800 card does have stereoscopic capabilities when used with Nvidia glasses. Do the glasses themselves have some sort of converter or emulator that makes them work?

We purchased this card with our computer, along with the NuVision glasses, and a "conversion box for active stereo," from WorldViz. At one point, we had a working stereo display, but then the computers were wiped, and it hasn't worked since. So I am trying to find out if there was any kind of driver or program or equipment that wasn't put back.

Gladsomebeast 01-14-2011 11:03 AM

The "conversion box for active stereo" you mention is called 60GX-NSR (Non Stereo Ready). Vizard on a GeForce card can supply the 60Hz "over/under" stereo format the NSR box takes and converts to 120Hz frame-sequential stereo format for display on the monitor.

For Vizard to generate the over/under image set the stereo mode to STEREO_VERT or INTERLACE_VERT.


Docs on the NuVision glasses and NSR box:

The nVidea Glasses work with GeForce cards when the 3D software is using Microsoft Direct X for rendering. Vizard uses the alternative, OpenGL. So Geforce + nVidea Glasses + Vizard = not compatible out the box.

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