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Saule 01-23-2014 06:24 AM

Vizard .exe file doesn't load (Vizard 3)
I'm working on a project where we need a vizard (3) application to be run on several different 'at-home' computers (only windows). At the moment, we have the problem that on some computers vizard doesn't start properly. The 'vizard is loading' bar appears just fine, and the .winviz process is running in the background but the program just doesn't show up. It doesn't happen on all computers, and on those where it does the original source code works just fine. (the .exe is made on a different destkop than the ones which have problems). Although I have the source code, it wasn't originally written by me so I don't know the code through and through.

I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of similar issues, or has any idea what the problem could be? I couldn't find an easily identifyable aspect which the different computers have in common, so I have no idea what's causing it.

Jeff 01-23-2014 09:07 AM

Can you publish the exe again and check the 'display console' option? When you run the exe you'll probably see error messages in the console that you can post here.

Saule 01-31-2014 06:34 AM

Thanks for the reply Jeff! I've tried this option, and for some reason the new .exe worked on the computer which didn't display it correctly last time (I din't change anything in the code). Unfortionaly, that also means I don't know what the problem was as I don't get any error message now. I'm currently looking for a system where I get the same problem so I can try again.

Somthing else which happens on my laptop (but not any other computer I've tried it on), is that the vizinput.ask box somehow appears behind the vizard screen when I run it. The solution is alt-tab to find it, but that's a bit messy. I've looked at the console, but there are no messages related to the pop-up and no errors. It also doesn't do this every time, which makes it difficult to say what the problem is. I don't know if anyone has ever heard of similar issues?

Jeff 01-31-2014 07:08 AM

What Windows OS are you running on your laptop? What kind of laptop is it?

Saule 02-05-2014 06:01 AM

It's a brand new Dell laptop, running Windows 7, 64 bit with an Intel i5 processor and Intel HD Graphics 4000 graphical card. I'm afraid I don't really know what information is relevant, but if you think more info will help you understand please tell me.

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