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mp78678 05-31-2011 07:59 PM

VIZARD and DirectX
Hi there,

Is there any plans to integrate DirectX into Vizard 4? I'd like to run an experiment with 3D stimulation (viz.QUAD_BUFFER) on a laptop with a Nvidia Geforce GT 540M - a really strong graphics card with 1GB dedicated memory. However, it doesn't support OpenGL (yet), and with Vizard 3 this is not possible. My colleagues and I appreciate your efforts in optimizing the program, and we're curious about any future developments (particularly since Vizard runs in a Windows environment)...


Jeff 06-01-2011 01:13 PM

Vizard uses OpenGL for all rendering. There is no support for rendering using Direct3D.

Renato Lima 06-23-2011 06:40 AM

How can we check if a video card supports all of vizard's features?

Jeff 06-28-2011 12:55 PM

Worldviz generally recommends the high end Nvidia GeForce cards. If you need frame sequential stereo then we recommend an Nvidia Quadro card.

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