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blessonisaac 11-18-2010 03:18 PM

Trackers activation
Dear administartor,

I am using PowerWall as my output display device. I would like to use intersense shutter glass and wand for position tracking and head traking. Which way I can use the Python scrip so that vizard can read and activate them with the powerwall

Blesson Isaac

Jeff 11-19-2010 04:31 PM

You can modify the Single display example from the vizcave page in the Vizard Help so that you use your own tracker for updating the user eye location and the wand for driving the CAVE around in the virtual environment.

So in the lines you see here:

#Create tracker object using the keyboard (WASD keys control the viewpoint, the user's eye location)
#Make the starting location for the user's eye above origin
viewtracker = viztracker.KeyboardPos()

#Pass the viewpoint tracker into the cave object so it can be automatically updated

#Create CaveView object for manipulating the entire cave environment
#The caveorigin is a node that can be adjusted to move the entire cave around the virtual environment
caveorigin = vizcave.CaveView(viewtracker)

Replace viewtracker with your Intersense tracker. Are you using an IS-900?

Then you can update the caveorigin position and orientation based on the wand joystick or buttons.

If you are displaying in active stereo and viewing with shutter glasses initialize the graphics window using:

viz.go(viz.QUAD_BUFFER | viz.FULLSCREEN)

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