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Qiliang He 05-20-2015 11:29 AM

Capture video from the birds-eye view

I'm a phd student from Vanderbilt university and one study from our lab got accepted by a good journal (well, at least I think it is) and it has got the press office's attention. The experiment was implemented in Vizard, and the press office asked us to provide a video captured from the birds-eye view. I know how to capture video from the user's view and don't know how to do it from the birds-eye view. Anyone can help?


Jeff 05-20-2015 04:22 PM

The screen recording software will capture whatever is in the graphics window. So you can modify the window to just display the bird's eye view.

Qiliang He 05-20-2015 07:48 PM

Thanks a lot.

Qiliang He 05-20-2015 08:21 PM

I have another question. If I create the bird's eye view window, it overlaps with the main window. Is there a way to separate those windows so that they don't overlap with each other?

Qiliang He 05-20-2015 08:56 PM

I think I got it from your previous post, thank you.

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