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pcatalano 04-22-2010 12:55 PM

Using vizcave without tracking

An application I am developing would benefit from the vizcave routines but will have a fixed viewer position so will not need tracking. However, I can't figure out how to use vizcave without tracking. Since I already have routines in place to do keyboard and mouse navigation, I don't need any of the keyboard/mouse tracking routines, but if I use one of them (viztracker.KeyboardPos for instance) it gets in the way of my existing navigation routines.

How do I set up a cave in Vizard with a static eye position but still allow navigation of the environment using custom controls (that have already been implemented)?

farshizzo 04-22-2010 12:59 PM

Instead of using cave.setTracker, use cave.update to manually specify the position of the users eye with respect to the wall corners.

pcatalano 04-22-2010 01:15 PM

Ah, that's easy enough. I was under the mistaken impression that I'd need to call CaveView to get the view and modify that with my navigation routines (and CaveView requires a tracker, hence my issue).

jpriede 01-08-2013 10:17 AM

vizcave confusion

Originally Posted by farshizzo (Post 9945)
Instead of using cave.setTracker, use cave.update to manually specify the position of the users eye with respect to the wall corners.

Wasn't the question how to move around the entire cave volume around within the scene, and keep the eyes static within the cave? Wouldn't this move the eyes within the cave, but *not* move the cave within the environment?

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