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fbacim 11-02-2011 07:55 AM


I was looking at the vizcave/clustering tutorials today, but one thing isn't clear. Do I need a license for each computer in the cluster? I seems like that's the case, even though it would make more sense to have a single one for the master node and simply run the cluster client on the clients like a deployed application.

Another question I have is about the setup we have in our CAVE. We have Visbox VisCube C4-2HD, which means that each screen is controlled by a client node with 4 projectors in a quad-buffer/passive stereo setup, each rendering at 1920x1080, with two projectors for the top portion of the screen and two projectors for the bottom. It's an unusual setup since there's overlap between the top and bottom (the final resolution of each screen is 1920x1920). From what I understand of what I read so far in the tutorials, it seems like I would need two cluster clients per node. For instance, FrontWallTop and FrontWallBottom instead of just having FrontWall, like in the tutorial. How would that work in the cluster clients? Do I have to open two separate instances of Vizard? Again, does that mean that we would need even more licenses?


farshizzo 11-02-2011 08:56 AM

Each machine in the cluster will need an Enterprise license, otherwise your cluster will run in trial mode, which limits the duration of your simulation to 4 minutes.

Do you have two separate machines rendering the top/bottom portions, or is the same machine rendering them? One machine can render multiple walls of a cave. If your client is rendering both the top and bottom portion of the wall, then you need just a single Enterprise license for that machine.

Let me know if anything is unclear or you have anymore questions.

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