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johnallen 11-20-2014 10:42 AM

cannot get eyeheight() working with vizconnect
with a call to viz.go() and simple scene loaded I can easily change the height of the viewer by keyboard input using

vizact.onkeydown('2', viz.MainView.eyeheight, 1 )

however if I replace the viz.go() for a vizconnect.go() - calling in settings configured for keyboard and mouse navigation, the navigation works fine however the calls to change the eyeheight seem to be ignored. :(

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Is it how my vizconnect file is setup?

What I want to do longer term is use this with PPT tracking but to modify the height of the participant's viewpoint.

Many thanks,

Jeff 11-21-2014 10:41 AM

If the display is parented to another object in Vizconnect, then the link will override the viewpoint command in Vizard. From Vizconnect, you can add a post trans offset in the Offsets dialog for the PPT Tracker to adjust the height. Take a look at the Displays and Trackers tutorial for an example using offsets.

johnallen 11-24-2014 03:48 AM

adjusting eyeheight when using vizconnect
Thanks for the pointer Jeff.

To do it dynamically I ended up doing:


gTracker = vizconnect.getTracker('head_tracker')
gLink = gTracker.getLink()
# now apply an offset to the height
gLink.postTrans([0,-0.25,0], target=viz.LINK_POS_OP)


Originally Posted by Jeff (Post 16803)
If the display is parented to another object in Vizconnect, then the link will override the viewpoint command in Vizard. From Vizconnect, you can add a post trans offset in the Offsets dialog for the PPT Tracker to adjust the height. Take a look at the Displays and Trackers tutorial for an example using offsets.

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