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Fabio_TUe 10-21-2013 06:34 AM

Tracking multiple LED's
Hi, Im new to Vizards and I'm quite confused about what is possible and what is not, so I got a few questions.

Is it possible to track multiple LED's? How does it work? can you give me some quickly explanation about it? Do I have to build a tracker for each LED as I do to track only one LED? Was this discussed before?

Fabio_TUe 10-21-2013 08:01 AM

Also, another question that came up was, Im trying to track and LED inside a Lab, do I have .dae loaded and when I rotate the map 90 degrees in Yaw of the map, it appears to be 90 degrees pitch of the helmet that Im using... how can I make the Yaw of the map be the same as the helmet?

Jeff 10-24-2013 11:28 AM


Is it possible to track multiple LED's?
Are you referring to tracking markers with PPT? If so, it is possible to have multiple markers tracked in PPT and streamed to Vizard via VRPN. The following page has example code for connecting to multiple markers by number:


when I rotate the map 90 degrees in Yaw of the map, it appears to be 90 degrees pitch
Please describe your hardware setup in more detail. Do you have an orientation sensor? How is it mounted to the HMD? In Vizard, you may need to add an orientation offset and reset the sensor so it is aligned with the coordinate system of the position tracker.

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