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Old 08-01-2013, 01:08 AM
GregEnj GregEnj is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 2
Exclamation Gravity changes with angle of view in mid-drop?!


I believe I may have found a rather major bug in WorldViz involving gravity implementation on the view. I am obviously open to being corrected on this -- there may be something really obvious I have missed.

It appears as though if you look in a different direction when falling, it actually affects the angle of gravity!

Consider this example:

import viz, vizact

ground = viz.addChild('ground.osgb')
ground.setScale(10,1,10) # Make the ground a bit bigger

viz.MainView.setPosition(0,75,0) # Put me up in the air

viz.collision(viz.ON) # Turn on collision detection

def lookDown():
	viz.MainView.setEuler(0,90,0, viz.HEAD_ORI)

vizact.ontimer2(2, 0, lookDown) # After 2 seconds of falling, look down
You end up falling backwards as soon as the view is changed. This does not make sense to me -- I surely shouldn't be able to change my angle of fall simply by moving my head, eyes or body. This also seems to impact Head Mounted Displays -- if you look around whilst falling it skews your drop!

If you stand on an object looking forwards, then walk straight off it, fall a bit, turn around and look down (perfectly possible to do), you actually end up getting thrown away from it as well as falling downwards!

I would appreciate any help in the matter as gravity not being 'downwards' really impacts what I am trying to do.

An additional possible bug: if you change the positional chunk of code above to
you never fall at all -- even though the ground is absolutely visible below you. I don't understand why this is? Presumably a check is made to see if the ground is below you, but the check seems to be very short (and possibly not configurable).
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