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Old 01-03-2013, 03:02 PM
Veleno Veleno is offline
WorldViz Team Member
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 148
Hi Jaap,

■ Setting the exporter to DXT1 does appear to be converting alpha channels to 1 bit alpha instead of discarding them, which is odd. The compression ratio still appears to be correct for DXT1. I'm unsure whether this is functioning as intended.

■ Unchecking opacity under maps prevents max from exporting any maps placed in the Opacity slot of a material, which can also be used for transparency.

■ In general, I'd recommend avoiding alpha channels in maps that don't need them. When looking at a model in Inspector, the texture panel will show the format as RGBA if an alpha channel exists for the texture. If not, it will show RGB instead.

There are a few ways to fix the issue:

■ Max Method: I've attached a maxscript that will loop through all scene materials (Standard and Standard contained in a multi-material), check for diffuse and opacity maps where tiling is disabled, and if so apply the above tweak. To use it, go to Maxscript -> Run Script... and select

■ OSGT Method: Save transparent file as OSGT. Open up the plain text model file in your favorite text editor, then use Find and Replace to replace all instances of CLAMP_TO_BORDER with CLAMP_TO_EDGE (case sensitive).

■ Vizard Method: Loop through all textures on the transparent model, changing all tiling that is currently viz.CLAMP_TO_BORDER to viz.CLAMP_TO_EDGE. See the Texture Wrapping entry in the help docs.

The way the exporter currently functions is consistent with how max handles them, at least as far as the diffuse texture goes. However, it does seem like it would be more beneficial, especially in cases like this, to include an option to repeat the texture's edge pixels instead.
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Last edited by Veleno; 01-03-2013 at 03:04 PM.
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