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Rennschu 09-29-2015 01:26 AM

Stereoscopic projection for 3D-Monitor

I am thinking about using Vizard for an experiment on stereoscopic perception in our eye-tracking lab. I would use a desktop monitor with shutter glasses. Since I need Stimuli with geometric correct offsets between the left and right eye images without distortion, I am interested in the projection types Vizard offers (orthogonal projection, perspective projection, parallel projection with assymetric view frustrum)?

Thank you for the information.

Jeff 09-30-2015 04:59 PM

Vizard supports a variety of stereo modes. If you're planning to use head tracking and need to account for the user's position changing relative to the screen, create a powerwall configuration through vizconnect.

Rennschu 10-05-2015 07:38 AM

Hello Jeff,

thanks for the answer and the link. How would I be able to set an asymmetric view frustrum for the stereoscopic rendering?

Jeff 10-08-2015 03:28 PM

Use the vizcave module to configure Vizard for a powerwall. This can be setup for either a user that moves or is fixed relative to the screen.

Rennschu 10-11-2015 10:31 PM

Thank you for the information, Jeff!

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