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marcoleon 06-24-2005 09:25 AM

Exporting to .cfg using Cal3D
I am trying to create a .cfg file from a 3ds Max 7 model, I already exported the skeleton file, but now every time I try to export the mesh file, 3ds Max crashes from step 2 out of 4 to step 3 out of 4. Any ideas?

marcoleon 06-24-2005 09:59 AM

Seems to be working now, but...
I exported the materials and now it seems to have been able to export the mesh. However, I would like to know how do you put together the skeleton file, the materials files, the mesh file, and the animation files into a single .cfg file? Thanks.

tobin 06-24-2005 10:01 AM

I'd suggest you either email us ( the model and we'll try exporting it to see if we replicate your crash, or hopefully we don't and could then transcribe the order in which we do the export process which works so you can try again.

Of course this might be a proprietary model which you'd rather not share, in which case what we could offer is to send you a simple model we have which exports correctly and you could start by trying to replicate that workflow.

Let us know.

tobin 06-24-2005 10:03 AM

Thanks for the update and glad you have it working. If you open the .cfg file in a text editor you'll see it's fairly self explanator, but I believe we have a tutorial on this which I can send you later today.

marcoleon 06-24-2005 10:06 AM

I figured it out myself...
Nevermind, I just read how to do it. You simply create a text file with the info and label it .cfg, I found it in this tutorial that was linked to in a previous thread:

marcoleon 06-27-2005 11:03 AM

Doesn't work though
I followed the instructions, but Vizard doesn't recognize the bones or the materials or the mesh from my .cfg file. Does it have anything to do with my using .cmf, .crf, and .csf files instead of the ones in the avatars included in Vizard?

marcoleon 06-27-2005 11:13 AM

error message
This is the error message I get:

************************************************** ****************************
* VIZARD 2.51c *
* *
************************************************** ****************************

Loading File: tut_ground.wrl
Loading File: Masha.cfg
cal3d : Incompatible file version in loader.cpp(711)
cal3d : Invalid handle as argument in coremodel.cpp(552)
cal3d : Invalid handle as argument in coremodel.cpp(516)
cal3d : Invalid handle as argument in coremodel.cpp(516)
cal3d : Invalid handle as argument in coremodel.cpp(516)
Model::create: ERROR: Can't create a model. Most probable reason is that the core doesn't have any data.
Model::stop: ERROR: The model doesn't have a mixer
cal3d : Invalid handle as argument in skeleton.cpp(103)

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