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Johannes 01-12-2005 01:04 PM

ModName: osg.dll Error

thanks for your great help yesterday. I made quite an advance today, but now as everything seems to run quite fine I always (almost every time I run my program, especially if I use more than one ball) I get the following error running it:

AppName: winviz.exe AppVer: ModName: osg.dll
ModVer: Offset: 000476c9

What else information do you need?

farshizzo 01-12-2005 01:10 PM


Would you mind sending me your script? It's easier for me to troubleshoot crashes when I can analyze the script myself. My email address is

Johannes 01-12-2005 01:28 PM

mailed it as "Einschreiben" which means you get a download link. It was 5 MB so I decided this would be a better option (I send it with the whole ressource-folder - I thought that would be easier to handle for both of us. )
If I should send it rather with normal mail just tell me.


Johannes 01-12-2005 02:22 PM

mailed it again, if you have problems receiving it, just tell me, than I will make it smaller - the only ressources it needs anyway is the ball and the room....

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