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rconrey 11-16-2004 08:51 AM

avatar head texture issues
We've been attempting to create heads using 3dmenow and peoplemaker for use in vizard 2.17.

The texture that 3dmenow produces for the head appears inside out in peoplemaker, a problem that we have fixed by inverting the polygons.

However, we don't seem to be able to fix the texture mapping for the eyes. We have tried using both the texture map produced by 3dmenow and the texture map that comes with the standard vizard avatars, changing the maps by directly changing the file references in the vrml file for the head. Neither file produces recognizable eyes in the finished head.

Any ideas?

tobin 11-17-2004 03:03 PM

Try this: in PeopleMaker, select the each of the geometries in sequence and apply the Flip Polygon Order filter found under the tools menu. You'll have to do this for the head and each of the eyes. Let me know if that doesn't solve the problem.

rconrey 11-17-2004 04:01 PM

sadly, this does not work.

farshizzo 11-17-2004 04:05 PM


I don't fully understand what the problem with the texture is. Would you mind either posting or emailing me a screenshot of the texture issue you are experiencing? My email is Thanks.

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