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Lenticularis 07-01-2016 06:59 AM

Avatar with Kinect tracking in first-person perspective
Hi :)

I'm quite new to Vizard 5 and have a problem with Kinect tracking via FAAST. :(

What I need: Having an Avatar body in first-person perspective using an Oculus HMD that is animated/tracked via Kinect. Users should see themselves from first-person perspective and be able to perform simple movements.

What I have accomplished so far: I'm able to track the user's movements onto an avatar but only from a third-person perspective (reference: I couldn't figure out how to change perspective so that one has the feeling of being inside the avatar and controlling its movements as if it would be one's own body.

Any help is greatly appreciated! :D

rajnishv 07-02-2016 01:54 AM

I think u searching for this one..
I also searched and found the answers from the link:

Thanx & Regards;
Mr.Rajnish Vishwkarma
Software Developer at Xenium Digital Pvt.Ltd,Mumbai(Customer of world viz)

fivel_lab 03-20-2017 01:25 PM

Did OP ever construct a working script for the question? I am looking for a solution pretty much exactly the same as the OP but am having trouble figuring out how to get to what I need from the documentation link above. Would you mind sharing?

Also, does anyone on this thread have any insight into why vizconnect always shows my kinect status as red, even though I have FAAST running and in emulation mode?

Any help would be much appreciated! thank you!

Jeff 03-20-2017 11:50 PM

Try turning off any firewalls to get the VRPN data from FAAST. Although you can assign trackers individually to an avatar using the Inverse Kinematics animator, the easier way is to select the Kinect animator. This will automatically use the Kinect trackers added in the trackers tab to animate the avatar. The Kinect animator has the option to use a different head tracker (e.g. Oculus) to move the avatar around and see the movement of the rest of the avatar body with the Kinect. If you are able to get the data try the following:
  • Add the Kinect trackers in the trackers tab.
  • Add an avatar in the avatars tab.
  • Select the Kinect animator.
  • If you are using another system for head tracking
    • Press the Click to assign tracker for head button and select that tracker.
    • Face the Kinect and do a t-pose. This allows vizconnect to determine where the kinect is relative to this head tracking system. When the t-pose is performed the avatar will be uniformly scaled based on the head tracker height.

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