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Rik 11-20-2009 03:13 AM

Problem connecting dataglove

I am trying to connect an Intersense 5DT glove. It works fine when I connect it within the main file of my program, but when I try to connect it in a different python module I always get an error. Of course I could just put the code in my main module, but I have a thing for keeping things nice and tidy.

Here is some sample code to illustrate my problem:

#this works fine when I run it in vizard
import viz
import hand
sensor = viz.add('5dt.dls')
glove = hand.add(sensor,hand.GLOVE_5DT)



#this does not work
import glovetest


The output on the console when I run
************************************************** ********
** Loading
************************************************** ********
5dt.dls 5DT Glove Driver v1.0
** NOTIFY: Connected to 5DT DG5 Ultra USB on USB0
Loading File: hand.cfg
** Load Time: 0.38 seconds

And when I run glovetest2:
************************************************** ********
** Loading
************************************************** ********
5dt.dls 5DT Glove Driver v1.0
** ERROR: Failed to connect to 5DT glove on COM1
Loading File: hand.cfg
** Load Time: 3.85 seconds

Can anyone help me with this problem? Thanks!

Jeff 12-08-2009 05:34 PM

In your code that works it looks like you are connecting to the glove over USB but in the one with an error Vizard is looking for a glove over the serial connection. What if you specify a USB port in the module you import?

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