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BezierSpline 02-24-2022 11:34 PM

Vizinput intermittend failure
1 Attachment(s)
We have been having some strange errors with vizinput:
The usual vizinput directory or file dialog sometimes appear to be completely broken. There does not seem to be an obvious cause for this and it occurs randomly.
See attached image for the directory prompt in the broken state. The buttons also no longer function.
Usually this also comes with a perfomance drop for the rest of the script.

The only theory so far, is that the Vizard process does not terminate correctly and any subsequent execution of the program breaks the functionality.

We do not get any error message or warning with this error.

Has anyone encountered this?

Best wishes

mspusch 02-03-2023 03:11 PM

Hi BezierSpline,

I'm reposting an answer here from our closed support forum where we were looking into this with you, so that the open community can also learn from the answers - hope that's OK.

Here the suggestions:

In the case of the vizinput.fileOpen dialog not even being displayed, do you know if the function ever returns from the call or is it essentially freezing the app?

We are not aware of any Windows log files that can shed light on internal OS call failures. However, we've used "Process Monitor" in the past to debug why certain OS calls were failing. Here is a link to download it:

It will display all OS file/registry calls being made by all processes and display whether the call was successful or not. You will need to apply a filter so it only displays calls made by your process. When you display the directory/fileOpen dialogs, you should see a bunch of file/registry calls being made to load thumbnails, folder views, shell extensions, and so on. Hopefully this will help, and it could possibly point to the cause of the problem. In the case of the fileOpen dialog not being displayed, it could at least indicate whether the failure is due to the Python module never actually launching the dialog or if it failed within the OS level after the call was made.

all the best,

The Worldviz team

BezierSpline 04-11-2023 03:02 AM

Vizinput Failure
We have investigated this for a while, and were ultimately able to avoid the error by redeploying the SteamVR installation and briefing users to ensure that the VR hardware is properly connected and recognized before launching our application .exe file. Our usual error handling would normally stop our application, due to the VR hardware not being detected, so this was only the case when SteamVR had intermittend connection problems.
It seems that this error occured, because SteamVR services may become intermittendly unresponsive during application startup for this reason.
We were not able to determine why this affects the file dialog itself.
Further attemps to recreate this error with the same version of our application and a fresh SteamVR install have led to the application just stopping and logging that the connection to hardware has failed, as it should.
Should this error occur again, i will record SteamVR logfiles and make them available.
Thank you for the support mspusch and i will gladly assist if i can, should anyone encounter this problem in the future.

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