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Suze 08-14-2017 02:10 AM

How to install pySerial
Apologies for this very basic question. I am a psychology student running an experiment in Vizard (hence v limited programming experience). I'm trying to work with serial ports, but need to install pySerial to be able to access the ports using Vizard.

How do I install pySerial? I've spent hours googling and trying various downloads, but it keeps saying "no module named serial". Can someone please give me very basic idiot-proof instructions? Thank you so much!

Jeff 08-14-2017 04:26 AM

Try installing it from the Vizard package manager. Go to Tools > Package Manager and then search for pyserial. The first search result should be pySerial. Let us know if that works for you.

Suze 08-14-2017 04:42 AM

Oh yes it does! Thank you so much!!

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