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digitaldarklord 09-03-2008 12:31 AM

Collision trouble
3 Attachment(s)

I have trouble with viz.MainView.collision( viz.ON ) in combination with shaders:confused:

This works with the standard skydome.


If I add another sky routine see the code snippet below
Yes and I know how to turn it on ;-)
# sky old style
env = viz.add(viz.ENVIRONMENT_MAP,'sky.jpg')
sky = viz.add('skydome.dlc')
sky.disable(0x3000) #Disable clip plane on sky

# new style
#Add sky model
#sky = viz.add('sky.osg')

#Add textures
#horizon_tex = viz.add('horizon.png')
#cloud_tex = viz.add('clouds.png')

#Apply textures to sky

#Add shaders
#sky_vp = viz.add('sky.vp')
#sky_fp = viz.add('sky.fp')

#Apply shaders to sky


When calling this routine is messes up the collision detection. I changed nothing added only the routine above called it from the timer so I am lost

Part 2 of this question.
In my app I created a helicopter flying a maze with a searchlight. So I added a nightmode with affect and uneffect. If you are in the light bundle the sky lights up also with this shader. bizar...

See the screenshots what I mean with this

Jeff 09-05-2008 08:04 PM

Thanks for the post. Sorry we have not been able to give you an answer yet. We have had a busy few days but we we will try to respond early next week.

Jeff 09-08-2008 05:16 PM

Sorry, I am not quite clear on your question. When you say that collision detection is messed up what exactly is happening.

farshizzo 09-12-2008 11:43 AM

Your intersection tests might be conflicting with the sky model. Try disabling intersections tests on the sky using the following code:


digitaldarklord 09-15-2008 05:46 AM

To define it more clearly. When I use the code as posted here# the collsion is not working or something. When we use this code to generate nice moving clouds etc. The user is able to walk trough objects. (about a meter or so. If I use the more simple skydome code. The collision works normal. So my conclusion it has to do with the code as posted. Because I did not change anything else


digitaldarklord 09-15-2008 05:50 AM

Second part question
When I create a search light on the helicopter and let it travel in the room in the xyz grid. I see something strange happening. The light also lights up the skydome.

I do not understand it because I created the unaffect on in

Jeff 09-16-2008 04:04 PM

Is it possible for me to view the complete code and load up this world here. You can email me at and I can give you directions for uploading.

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