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victorhe 02-04-2021 02:08 AM

Import Serial Port Error
Hey, apologies for this very basic question. I am working in a clinical neuroscience lab and need help with Import Serial.
I have already installed pyserial in the Packages and I am currently using the USB TTL event marking module connected to BIOPAC.
I am trying to use this code:

import serial
ser = serial.Serial(0, 115200, timeout=1)

But I keep getting this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 12, in
File "C:\Users\FiercePC\Documents\Work\VR\", line 27, in
ser = serial.Serial(0, 115200, timeout=1)
File "C:\Program Files\WorldViz\Vizard7\bin\lib\site-packages\pyserial-3.5-py3.8.egg\serial\", line 33, in __init__
File "C:\Program Files\WorldViz\Vizard7\bin\lib\site-packages\pyserial-3.5-py3.8.egg\serial\", line 222, in __init__
File "C:\Program Files\WorldViz\Vizard7\bin\lib\site-packages\pyserial-3.5-py3.8.egg\serial\", line 268, in port
ValueError: "port" must be None or a string, not

Can someone help? Thanks

mspusch 08-25-2021 09:58 AM

Dear Victor He,

From what I have seen, your support is being addressed currently in the WorldViz closed support forum - has this question been answered there or is this still a pending issue for you and your team?



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