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realvision 03-16-2008 12:47 PM

Vizard and Augmented Reality
Hi All,
Even though i'm quite a way away from learning python and it's logic, so that I may create what's actually floating in my mind, I have to say that from Any of the new software that I've seen, the well laid out tutorials and extensive examples and info that make up the Vizard website is actually what is encouraging me to return to learn more.

From the easy way Vizard displays a basic model on a stage and the one line plugins for doing things like collision detection and even space navigator movement to the many other high end possibilities like cluster rendering... all these features is what makes Vizard so much more appealing.

I know that a lot of industry stansard trackers work with Vizard to give you AR functionality. However I have not been able to come across any marker detection plugins for doing camera vision AR.

I was reading someplace that the main person behind the "tinmith" AR project is now on the WorldViz team.
Would this mean that soon we will see an AR plugin that will do vision based tracking of markers and markerless tracking based on line and/or room geometry recognition?

This would really put Vizard in another league as a VR authoring tool.
There are some Open source AR code out there, and I found even projects like Ogre3D has planet AR.

It would be great to have something similar!

What's a guy who does'nt know even the basics of python want with such advanced functionality? well Im hoping Vizard gets easier to use over time, and sometimes even a small subset of vizards capabilities is all thats needed to do a particular job.

Thanks and regards
(Hoping to be Vizard customer soon)!

realvision 03-16-2008 01:26 PM

just found this. Wonder if can be made into a Vizard Plugin!


farshizzo 03-17-2008 11:01 AM

We plan on adding a plugin for the ARToolkit in a future release, but currently there is no built-in support for vision based tracking.

vaestebob 04-04-2008 05:24 AM

Are there concrete plans to include ARToolkit into Vizard in the near future (soon releases) or is it just somewhere on the development roadmap ?

farshizzo 04-04-2008 10:59 AM

The actual plugin is already written and working. We are currently dealing with licensing issues due to ARToolKit being released under the GPL, which is preventing us from making the plugin freely available. We are not sure when or if the licensing issue will be resolved.

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