View Full Version : Where's the GUI creation tab gone?

02-15-2014, 10:42 AM

I can't find it in the Vizard 5 Beta (5.0.0-beta2) I downloaded.
any tips?

02-17-2014, 03:08 AM
The tabs shown in the image have been removed in Vizard 5. Vizard 5 does not have the option for creating GUIs that way but will display GUIs created and saved in a .viz file from previous versions of Vizard.

A variety of GUI libraries (e.g. vizinfo, vizdlg, vizconfig) have been added since the GUI tab was introduced to Vizard. The vizinfo (http://docs.worldviz.com/vizard5/#Organizing_GUIs_with_vizinfo.htm)library has been updated in Vizard 5 and is an easy way to create a collection of GUI elements. GUI elements can also be added and positioned individually through the script.