View Full Version : vizard texture PIL image

11-24-2013, 08:05 AM
Please someone let me know how to convert viz texture to PIL image.

Kevin Chiu
11-26-2013, 02:56 PM
Hi Sabu,

This may show a way for achieving the conversion.

import viz
import Image

#Create a Vizard texture
tex = viz.addTexture('brick.jpg')

#Get the image data from the VizTexture object
texData = tex.getImageData()

#Get the pixel format from the raw image data which interpreted by the graphics card
if tex.getPixelFormat() == 0:
PILimageMode = 'RGB'
elif tex.getPixelFormat() == 1:
PILimageMode = 'RGBA'

#Convert raw image data to PIL image
newImage = Image.fromstring(PILimageMode,(tex.getSize()[0],tex.getSize()[1]),texData)

#Save PIL image to a jpg file