View Full Version : Documentation for coding a new render node?

10-28-2008, 02:25 AM
Hi everyone,

I am investigating how I can add a new node to Vizard. This node will be coded in OpenSceneGraph so I am now looking at the Vizard30API. I guess I need to use example code in the directory CustomNode.

Can someone please confirm this? Where can I find documentation about the Vizard30API? For instance, is indeed standard OpenSceneGraph 1.2 used, it seems so from the header files and libs...

Thanks a lot!

10-29-2008, 10:06 AM
Vizard uses OSG 1.2. There are no docs for creating a custom node, just the sample project. We can answer any specific questions you might have.

10-30-2008, 10:06 AM
Thanks for the confirmation about osg 1.2. I will proceed and ask questions when needed.

Thanks for now, regards